
It Is Everyone's Job to Care for the Earth

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It Is Everyone's Job to Care for the Earth

My parents took caring for the environment very seriously when I was growing up, and I learned many great lessons during those years about just how to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. When I met my husband, I noticed that he drove a "gas guzzler" vehicle, but I fell in love with him anyway! When we eventually got married and moved in together, I realized just how much he neglected the environment. Thankfully, he was very receptive to my lessons about caring for the earth and I realized that he didn't want to harm the planet, but he just didn't realize he was doing it. This made me realize that there are likely many other people out there who just don't know how their small everyday actions affect the environment. I decided to start a blog to share my tips for protecting the earth with everyone who wants to learn!


Landscaping Tips For Small Spaces: How To Make The Most Of Your Outdoor Area

Having a small outdoor space doesn't mean you have to compromise on having a beautiful and functional landscape. Designing a small garden or patio can be an exciting and rewarding challenge. With creative thinking and thoughtful planning, you can maximize your limited outdoor area and create an attractive and practical space. With the help of a professional landscaper and some quality tips, you can be well on your way to enjoying a beautiful outdoor living space.

Define the Space

The first step in designing a small landscape is to define the space you have. Measure the area and draw a rough sketch. Think about how you want to use the space and what features you want to include. Do you want a seating area, a garden, or both? Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you can start planning the layout. A professional can assist you with the planning process.

Choose the Right Plants

When it comes to plants, choose wisely. You don't want plants that quickly outgrow the area or require much maintenance in a small space. Look for compact plants with a long flowering season and low maintenance. Plants perfect for small spaces include dwarf conifers, ornamental grasses, and compact shrubs. If you want to add color to your garden, consider using container plants. They're easy to move around and can be changed depending on the season.

Create Zones

Creating zones is an excellent way to maximize the space you have. Divide your outdoor area into different zones, such as a seating area, a garden, and a barbecue area. This will give the space structure and make it easier to use. You can create zones using different materials, such as paving, decking, or gravel.

Use Vertical Space

When working with a small area, it's essential to use every inch of space you have. That's why using vertical space is a great idea. You can create a vertical garden by hanging plants on a wall or fence. This is an excellent way to add some greenery to a small area without taking up too much floor space. You can also use trellises and climbing plants to create a living wall.

Use Lighting

Lighting is essential in any outdoor space but is especially crucial in a small space. Good lighting can make the area feel bigger and more inviting. You can use outdoor lighting to highlight your garden's features or create a cozy atmosphere. Consider using solar-powered lights or LED lights, which are energy-efficient and long-lasting.

Keep it Simple

Finally, keep it simple. When it comes to smaller spaces, less is often more. Avoid cluttering the area with too many features or plants. Stick to a simple color scheme and choose a few key features that you really love. This will make the space feel more cohesive and relaxing.

Landscaping a small space can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to get creative and maximize what you have. By following these tips, you can create a beautiful and functional outdoor area that you'll enjoy for years to come. Contact a professional landscape service today to discuss your landscaping needs.